Museum Smiles Blog

Serving Fort Worth, Arlington, Keller and surrounding areas of Texas.

March 12, 2018
  It is Spring BreakIt is Spring Break! An exciting time for kids and families to spend time together and unwind. There are a number of fun ideas for young families to explore this Spring Break week in Fort Worth. Playing outdoor games is a popular one. The weather is great and kids can get some exercise without needing multiple layers or getting too hot. Another...
March 08, 2018
Do pacifiers make baby teeth crooked? Using a Pacifier and thumb sucking are habits that babies and toddlers find comforting many times. A baby’s mouth and teeth are developing and taking form around the age that babies use a pacifier. In the same way that thumb sucking can affect baby tooth development and form, a pacifier can do the same. Prolonged pacifier use and/or thumb...
February 22, 2018
  From Downtown Fort Worth Museum Smiles to San Marcos, Guatemala From Downtown Fort Worth to San Marcos, Guatemala             What is your name and favorite activity?   My name is Reema and my favorite...
February 15, 2018
American Heart Month It is American Heart Month. The heart, one of the most important organs in the body. We give the heart so much attention especially on February 14th, Valentine’s Day, and wear shirts with red heart symbols. This vital organ works around the clock and every beat of it keeps us alive. There are some factors that help keep...
February 13, 2018
February 08, 2018
  Cowtown MarathonAt Museum Smiles, we support family friendly events that promote health and wellness. Many of our wonderful patients are Cowtown Marathon runners.  And it is almost that time of year to have your running shoes ready and your stretches in! From February 23, 2018- February 25, 2018, Cowtown marathon is celebrating its 40th running anniversary in Fort Worth, Texas. Cowtown is the...
February 03, 2018
Root cariesCavities are a common condition affecting over 91 percent of Americans. Root caries or decay present a form of cavities more prevalent amongst the elderly.  Root caries (cavities) is a condition in which there is decay at or...
January 25, 2018
  Dentures have been around since 700 BC in some form and were made of human or animal teeth then. A famous US President, George Washington had dentures that were made with the best material available in the 1700s. Fast forward hundreds of years, dentures are used as an interim treatment option for many people. Dentures can be a transitional prosthesis if a patient plans to later have an appliance that does not have to be removed. People who have lost all of their teeth completely (edentulous) have another option known as a fixed hybrid...
January 22, 2018
  It is great news that human beings are living longer than ever. The older population of the world (aged 65 and over) is 8.5 percent of people worldwide and that percentage is set to double by 2050 according to the National Institutes of Health. This means teeth must be able to last longer. And in the many cases, in which they don’t, the alternative options for replacing teeth should be compatible, functional, and esthetically pleasing. Many patients that lose all their teeth find that their facial structure changes. This is because when...
